Few things endear us more than watching little children playing in a playground. Their innocence makes us want to go back to childhood when things were simple and full of curiosity and wonder. Thank God for little children for they give us hope and make us yearn to love.

Children are a gift from God and He has also given me a gift of understanding His divine purpose for the continuation of the human race through them.  When God created Adam and Eve, he marveled at His craftsmanship of the male and female being in unity as two separate persons but having a unified spirit.  Enter sin and the perfect design of family turned unto the beginning of an ugly,  violent and perpetual state of life…war.

Adam and Eves bore two sons, one of which murdered his brother out of jealousy.  From the surviving son, came a heritage which brought forth anarchy, disobedience, sibling rivalry and  fighting.

Our world today is almost totally  contaminated because of the first sin.  I grieve as I read the daily headlines blaring all kinds of atrocities, but few things trouble me more than the aftereffects of war.  The casualties and devastation can only be considered senseless and heart-wrenching. For the survivors, outward wounds may looked healed but the emotional and spiritual trauma often leave the victims broken beyond repair.

I trace my  concern about war all the way back to when I was a schoolgirl watching a film about the Bombing of Hiroshima.  Many years later as an adult, I finally realized the horrendous implications of war after watching the Auschwitz/the Nazis documnetary and “Schindler’s List.”  opened up my eyes to this devastating reality of life..

Today I’m totally enlightened and pray that I can somehow make a difference in my world and especially to show others that violence, death and war are never solutions for the healing and recovery of a nation or people. I will forever be an advocate of life and healing.

How can a lover of peace and humanity not weep to the depths of her souls after seeing images of  heaps of bodies being bull-dozed into massive pits? Surely the hearts of the Nazi soldiers who casually separated whole families forever at train stations had no hearts or consciences.  Worse yet, seeing tiny children crying and reaching out for their mothers who were being sent to the gas  chambers. Most of the concentration camp victims were youthful, healthy and had established careers and occupations.  Sadly, the disabled, sick and fragile elderly were immediately shot. I was not myself for many days after seeing the footage of the Nazi Documentary and knew I had to share my feelings a about the diabolical genocide of the Jewish people and those who resisted the  Third Reich.

I ponder the senseless ignorance of the Nazi soldiers who treated these valuable  human beings created by God with such barbaric indifference and  irreverence.  When God is shut out of the heart, the ability to sense pain in others or feel compassion at their suffering is void. One cannot understand not nor respect the worth of the human anatomy and it’s workings. Most shocking to me was  Doctor Mendela’s cruelty as he practiced the most barbaric experiments on the little children. Imagine a physician who has totally abandoned his loyalty to the Hippocratic oath,  collecting living children and causing them such suffering through experimentation. Such things are too much to bear or even understand.

I happened upon an amazing book while scouring the piles at the local flea market and came upon, “The Incredible Machine”  My eyes couldn’t believe  the magnified photographs of the circulatory system, the brain, the heart valves and the embryo in the womb! My eyes misted as I beheld the wondrous creation of the human body!The pictures of the tiny unborn baby in the womb were the most amazing.

Last week, EWTN network ran a documentary about abortion. I took great interest as I scanned the channel guide of my TV.  The two hour program consisted of mostly live interviews from clinic personnel, abortion doctors as well as the mothers who shared their horror stories about their abortion experience. Not one gave a good word and all suffered from severe emotional and physical trauma. So why is society still treating  the murder of unborn children as trivial!

I have seen live footage of precious unborn babies in the the third trimester about to be sucked out by a powerful vacuum. Tiny babies die  agonizing deaths by having their limbs ripped off. during the procedure.  Animal lovers couldn’t imagine doing such barbarism to an animal or their pet and animal rights advocates bring their battles to court for the protection of endangered birds and fish!

We need to call this atrocity what it is…a bloody war with one side being unarmed, defenseless and  and voiceless and the other, the cruel aggressor! victims. It;s time to wake up and open our eyes and hearts to what is right and true. It is time to think for ourselves and not by the propaganda of self-centeredness and convenience.

Look what has happened to our so-called advanced society? God did not ordain war, neither did He sanction it. War is the consequence of unbridled coveting, disobedience, greed and hatred.  Amazing that in 2011, embryos still have no rights!

Thank God for the women, (and men) who are admitting the true crime that abortion really is. There can be no denying that abortion is murdering in the cruelest sense.  We must reveal the hidden agenda, monetary greed as the perpetuating machine that runs this barbaric industry. not through the violence of bombing abortion clinics, but by compassionate education and giving mothers an option of life for their precious babies. That is the solution. The church must stand up and educate young men so that they learn to take responsibility for their actions.

When Mother Teresa addressed the supreme court, she spoke powerful words,

“America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe vs. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts–a child–as a competitor, an intrusion and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the dependent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters. And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners.

“Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government,” she said. “They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or sovereign. The Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany recently ruled: ‘The unborn child is entitled to its right to life independently of its acceptance by its mother; this is an elementary and inalienable right which emanates from the dignity of the human being.’

“Americans may feel justly proud that Germany in 1993 was able to recognize the sanctity of human life. You must weep that your own government, at present, seems blind to this truth.”

I hope to convince you about the sanctity of life and helping you to understand the  miraculous craftsmanship of this incredible machine. I urge you to study an anatomy book and see the make-up of the various systems

The Psalmist of the Bible was so enthralled by the way his body worked that he  wrote, ” I Praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  Psalm 139:14. He went on to say how amazed he was that God himself was so intimately acquainted with all his ways, his actions and even before he spoke a word!

After you ponder this wonder, you may suddenly be perturbed and disturbed about nightmare mystery of rampant, casual murder.

How can we stop murdering and warring?  Sin is the culprit,  the killing machine of the human race. It is what perpetuates murder, cruelty and uncontrolled rage and wishes to lash out at anyone in it’s way. Satan is the author of death for his only purpose is to kill, steal and destroy all that God created. Killing begins at the loss of respect and reverence.

Parents must start at a young age to teach children to reverence life…all life. Teachers must teach their students to reverence each person as invaluable. Education about reverence for life has diminished since prayer was taken out of school and began a downward spiral for this nation. Even Hollywood has cheapened to quality and destiny of men and women by degrading the  sex act, marriage and relationship.

We must go back to  pure roots of honoring parents, and of nurturing children with tough love. We need to get to the basics of friends and neighbors all taking responsibility for the raising of children and making them productive and confident memebers of siciety. Unless we come to this reality of our error, we will be doomed.

We must acknowledge the fact that both good and evil seek to influence. May we have ears and a heart to hear, receive and perpetuate good so that all can thrive.