Letter to the End Time Bride of Christ.

Greetings BELOVED, in the name of the Jehovah and Yeshua Hamshia!

I pray you are seeking His presence more and more each day. Because of the late hour, I write this most urgent letter to you. Husband Mark and I’ve been closely watching the spiritual, social and political landscape, especially what is occurring in Israel and the middle east. We are at the precipice of decision and Abba God compels us to draw closer. He calls some of us to mobilize his saints for the great spiritual battle ahead. We are less than three weeks to the election and the saints pray and intercede with trepidation.

I’ve had many sleepless nights weeping and praying on behalf of our America, my brethren, (The Bride/The Elect) and unsaved loved ones. Jesus seeks a bride without spot or wrinkle and carrying lamps filled with oil, (the Holy Ghost). Let us not be casual about our love walks. Let us not be empty handed and wearing wrinkled or stained garments for we shall not sit with him at the banquet table.

St. Paul tells us to lift up Holy hands, without wrath or doubting. God is looking for a people who hungry for Him and who want more than anything to please Him. I keep hearing “Come out from among them…and be ye separate” The closer I get to my Abba father, the less drawn I am to things even from things I loved from a year ago. I’m becoming more sensitive to profanity and nudity on TV, thus narrowing programs I feel comfortable watching. Music I loved and listened to last year, I have little interest in. I Pray my hands and heart are pure before Him as I lift up my hands. Are you lifting up holy hands?

Many of God’s people perish for lack of Knowledge. Secularism, (worldliness), pornography and profanity has infiltrated our senses so much that the line between holy and profane has been blurred. The way to get back to the basics of holiness is to get beck to Gods word as during the times of Jehoshaphat, Ezra and Nehemiah’s reforms. The law was presented before the people and they were transformed. This is what the churches and pastors of America need today. Many Pastors of many churches have neglected to feed their sheep the bread of life, the pure Word of God. Many accept Jesus as their Savior, but they lack knowledge of what their Lord asks them to do. Jesus said, if you love me you will keep my commandments. Are you keeping God’s commandments?

Going back to the Pentateuch and studying God’s commands will lead us back to the Holy of Holies. God has called us to be His chosen generation, royal priesthood, peculiar, (special treasure) and Holy nation. How can he walk with us and bless us if we embrace the things, habits and lifestyles of the heathen and profane? Often, we are not guilty of doing wrong, but for not doing right…when we should? Everyday, God’s people ask, what is my calling? Do what’s before you. be faithful in the small things. Make it a habit to do random acts of kindness at every and at any opportunity. There are countless things we can do each day to live a life of holiness, godliness and love.

Here is a checklist of things and areas that you may want to pray about with the Holy Ghost.

Duet 8:9 Abominations to the Lord

!. Sending children into the fire, sacrificing, killing. (abortion, child porn, child abuse/neglect).
2.Practicing any form of the occult; who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. New Age & higher forms of consciousness also apply as well as Ouija boards, Wicca/witchcraft, going to psychics and tarot cards. all these open up doors to the kingdom of darkness.

God’s people also should not go to movies, watch TV programs or read books about the occult, (such as Harry Potter) and Christian parents should not allow their children to dabble with these types of movies. Parents should also not allow their teens wear clothing or articles with demonic or death metal styles and pentagrams.

God also talks about the seven deadly sins he hates.

!. Are your eyes haughty?
2. Do you habitually lie?
3. Do you shed innocent blood?
4. Does your heart devise evil schemes.
5. Are your feet quick to run into evil
6. Are you a false witness? (do you gossip and spread lies)
7. And do you stir up conflict in the community. (Do you enjoy stirring up trouble in your home, church or community)

Are you Disobedient? Disobedience can seem nebulous and vague, but God has given us a conscience and if red flags go up, that’s something to investigate.

1. !Has God called you to spend more time in His presence?
2. has he called you to read and study his word more?
3. Are you spending way more time doing secular activities than praying, interceding and devotional time?

a. Computer games
b shopping sprees.
c. sports and other activities

Tithes tithes and Offerings.

Many of God’s people groan and complain about wanting a financial blessing, but they think nothing of throwing in a couple of dollars in the offering plate!The law of sowing reaping applies here. If you sow sparingly, you will reap the same.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. Mal 3:10

VOTING is also a perquisite to being blessed. If we vote for a candidate based on flesh, the color of his skin or more entitlement programs, we err. God gives us specific directions about administering justice.

Duet 16 18-20
18 “You shall appoint for yourself judges and officers in all your [a]towns which the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. 19 You shall not distort justice; you shall not [b]be partial, and you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous. 20 Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, that you may live and possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

Exodus 23 6-9

6 “Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits. 7 Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.

8 “Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent.

9 “Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt.

Yahweh invites us into the Holy of Holies through His son, Yeshua, but we had better be sure we are lifting up holy hands.

“I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.” 1 Tim 2:8

God is calling His people in these end times to be an excellent people and His special treasure. We must stop living sloppy, careless lives. WE should always be accountable and scrutinize our lives before The Holy Spirit. No masterpiece was ever finished quickly. You are God’s masterpiece, His exquisite work of art. Wouldn’t you love to let Him show Himself through your life? It’s can be very hard and painful at times, but if you allow Him shape you on His potter’s wheel and you are patient, you will soon see the miracle He makes of your life!


The thick, suffocating cloud that exploded from the imploding World Trade Center buildings not only snuffed out the lives of thousands of civilians but also America’s idyllic  dream of peace and protection. A decade later, the survivors of lost loved ones and concerned citizens still question  the cause of one of the most infamous acts of terrorism America has ever experienced.

Who or what caused the destruction of the twin towers?

Though great debates rage around the world by top strategists, government official and religious leaders, the answer stares right at our faces, but much of America has become numb and deluded into disbelieving truth

It all began with the inception of our country by the God-fearing founding fathers.They knew of the power and protection of abiding under the shelter of God almighty and His promise to bless His people if they lived within the constraints of His commands. We’ve come a long way from that  vision’s birthing.

So why was the World Trade Center attacked?  Choice.  Choice, you ask?! God gave us the choice to make decisions whether for bad or good. The terrorists chose to not forgive their enemies and to retaliate with the intent to maim and kill. The American people chose not to vote into office  leaders with integrity and the best interests of their country men.  We, the voters also chose not to vote or to haphazardly believe the hype and eloquent speeches of candidates without researching their values or what they stood for.  We forsook our responsibility at the voting booth because we were lazy, didn’t care and/or didn’t believe in the candidate. and… worse of all, we allowed senseless, immoral and ignorant bigots to take away our freedoms, prayer in schools and government and protection for the lives of the innocent unborn on the pretense of inconvenience.

Who can we blame?

We have ignored the free gift of wisdom God has given us. God’s law was given through Moses to govern His people, The Jews.  God ordained the appointment of judges to govern the people so that justice would not be perverted, (Duet. 16:18).

The great leaders, judges and godly kings like King David, also had a heart after God. King David and Nehemiah, the King’s cup-bearer, who when surveying the wall of Jerusalem wept and prayed for God’s restoration of not only the physical walls, but also the spiritual walls (the hearts) of the people. So, where are repentant and humble leaders today?

God also made provision that the poor, the orphans and  widows to be provided for. Have we made provision for them? America, being such a great nation of affluence, technology and influence, the numbers of our poor have greatly increased and are no longer a small minority. Great folly has permeated this once great nation.

God is watching.

He is allowing evil to weaken the once tightly woven tapestry, the melting pot of the world, America, and to topple the former majesty of our godly foundation. A nation cannot stand when contamination of deceiving half-truths, compromise and immorality are the rule. We are paying a heavy price for trying to edit God out of our constitution.

We cannot blame God for the evil that has transpired over Manhattan, The Alfred Murrah Building in Oklahoma and our Christian missionaries abroad.  Our choices to ignore, to condone and conceal evil and our choice to pervert justice will continue to bring forth dire consequences. God won’t stop us. He lets us do whatever we want and He will continue to grieve knowing well the wonderful path we could have chosen if we obeyed His laws and wisdom.

Our country will continue to languish in debt,  division and uncertainty as well as impending judgment if we continue to foolishly vote for incompetent and greedy leaders and CEOs who care nothing about the rising debt, mass starvation, poverty and the abolishing of the working poor and middle class. God does care about the sickly, disabled widows, the precious babies and the suffering destitute. He weeps for molested little girls and the battered wives  murdered by their own husbands. God weeps to see people defrauded and crushed under the weight of high taxes because of the wasteful spending of greedy government leaders, and unnecessary school administrators who live in opulent, leisurely splendor.

God is watching.

So, why my loyalty to this unseen, cruel God who allowed the WTC to crumble into a heap of ashes at the cost of the lives of courageous emergency personnel, firefighters and police officers?  I’m a humble recipient of countless helps and miracles during the great storms of my life. Even after abuse and attacks, the tender-hearted God of the  orphan and widows came to my aid and made something wonderful out of misery! Rather than me becoming bitter and seeking revenge, He has tamed my fearful, battered heart into one of courage and great compassion for the wounded I’ve met during my travels.

God is always watching.

Men and women of leadership, God is scrutinizing your lifestyles, ideologies and visions. Are they in line with what God has ordained, justice for all, provision, humility and prosperity as a reward for honest, hard work? The penalty in the old testament for sacrificing innocent infants was death, yet millions upon millions of precious voiceless victims are murdered in their own mother’s wombs. We allow perverts and pedophiles more justice than the victims themselves! We wonder in amazement why terrorism has  reduced this once proud and prosperous nation  to the infamous depths of reckless irresponsibility, perversion and  apathy.

Even the minds of our greatest intellectuals have become dull and foolish, devoid of wisdom.

God is watching.

Imagine a people glorifying and then voting for a candidate because he is Black, a beautifully voluptuous woman or a very popular  action hero-movie star  without having any idea of his character, integrity or ideology? America is reaping what we’ve sown and if we continue living beyond our financial means, killing unborn babies and editing His great and Holy name from our constitution, we will enter a Martial, Sharia law or communism.  We are headed for a great cavernous abyss which we will not being able to escape free-falling into.

Now is the time to seriously ponder our past mistakes and turn around in the opposite, (God) direction.  We are still We the People and God will re-adopt us into our rightful heritage if we repent and change the attitudes and motives for our poor choices. The old testament depicts the countless times and judges who have saved the Jews from sin and captivity. We ought to learn a lesson and read the Bible. There is much wisdom to be learned from the mistakes from others!

So….captivity or freedom, anarchy or peace, widespread poverty or prosperity and finally… the annihilation of America as we know it or America the free?

God’s  plan for us is good…and very simple… “Follow that which is just so that you may live and inherit the land, ” (Duet 6:18).

America…will you live or die?